Easter Basket Weaving Workshop with Instructor: Tracie Quirion
Saturday, March 24, 2018  •  10:00 am - 2:00 pm at Milton Artist Guild Art Center and Gallery, Milton Plaza, 199 Route 7 South, Milton VT. 
Tracie’s back by popular demand. This time, come and weave a beautiful Easter basket. This is a very friendly beginner basket. All materials for this 6” x 8” x 5” basket with a ceramic embellishment are included. Class is recommended for adults or older teens.
$60  for MAG members $65 for non-members all materials included 
Register for any workshop at the Art Center Wednesday - Saturday 11am - 6pm; Sunday 11am - 3 pm or 
online at miltonartistsguild.org or email castlegarden_vt@yahoo.com