REV 2018: Conversation with the Commissioners  - Renewable Energy Vermont 2018 features two days of industry presentations and technical workshops on current policy, regulatory and financial issues, technological innovations, and case studies. Conference topics are geared to bring together previously disassociated and distinct energy fields across the power, heating, and transportation sectors. View this session to learn which and how states are making progress on climate pollution reduction and the key technology drivers necessary to get back on track. Energy Action Network share a comprehensive overview of where Vermont stands relative to its near-term interrelated goals of 25% total renewable energy and the Paris Climate Agreement (28% greenhouse gas reductions below 2005 levels). A former state legislative committee chairman shares lessons learned over the last 10 years since Massachusetts adopted its Global Warming Solutions Act which required state regulation of climate pollution. For more information:

Production Date: 
Friday, October 19, 2018
Approximate Length: 