Grand Isle Selectboard usually meets the 1st and 3rd Mondays of the month at 7 p.m.. For more information contact Melissa Boutin at 802-372-8830 or 

Production Date: 
Monday, May 20, 2019
Approximate Length: 
Agenda Items: 
0:00 Call to Order, Board Members Present, Community Members Present
0:01 Amend Agenda for Matters Not Listed
0:02 Sheriff Ray Allen - Police Service Contract
0:06 Recreation Committee: YOGI & Town MOU; Old Bathroom Building Discussion
0:37 Review and Approve Minutes: May 6, 2019
0:38 Liquor License for Northland Boat Shop and Ladd’s Landing Marina
0:39 Sign Water Hookup Allocation Letter for Town Garage
0:39 Cleaning Service Contract
0:40 Friends of Lake Champlain Bike Tour Letter
0:50 Town Policies and Benefits Review
0:57 Illegal Dumping
0:58 Attorney Letter re: Private Roads Moved to future meeting
1:01 Moccasin Ave Culvert Engineering Services
1:04 Curb Cut
1:05 Building Facilities Manager Update
1:07 Adjournment
Number of Plays: