Champlain Islands Unified Union School District.  

Production Date: 
Tuesday, December 12, 2023
Approximate Length: 
Agenda Items: 
0:00 Call to Order, Adjust the Agenda
0:02 Approve minutes from 11/14/2023, New Hires/End of Employment
0:04 Financial Report
0:07 Superintendent’s Report
0:13 Principal’s Report
0:32 GISU Report
0:36 Approval of bills for payment
0:39 FY25 Budget Discussion
1:40 School Lunches - $5 Lunch, $2.50 Breakfast
1:42 Governance Study Update
1:43 Receiving Middle School Grade Levels Update
1:52 Assessment District Update
1:57 Setting the next agenda
1:58 Adjourn
Number of Plays: