Champlain Islands Unified Union School District.  

Production Date: 
Tuesday, July 9, 2024
Approximate Length: 
Agenda Items: 
0:00 Call to Order and Introductions, Adjust the Agenda, Citizens and/or Staff to be Heard
0:02 Meeting Minutes of 6/11/2024 and 6/17/2024
0:02 Bills to be Paid
0:07 Tuition Waiver Request
0:13 Update on After School Program
0:14 Audit
0:23 Follow up on Structure Study
0:31 Retreat business
0:38 Principal Report
0:44 Financial Report
0:54 GISU Report
1:00 Superintendent's Report
1:11 Setting Future Agenda
1:12 Adjourn
Number of Plays: