The Fairfax Selectboard meets every first, third and fifth Monday of the month at 6:30 p.m. in the Fairfax Town Office. For more information, contact Sarah Hadd, Town Manager, at 802-849-6111 x16.

Production Date: 
Monday, May 20, 2024
Approximate Length: 
Agenda Items: 
0:00 Call to Order and Agenda Modifications, Pledge of Allegiance
0:01 Public Hearing on Development Regulations & Official Map
0:26 Public Comment
0:30 Consent Agenda: Action on Minutes of May 6, Warrants of May 13th & 20th
0:32 Action: Development Regulations, Official Map
0:33 Action: Naming & Donation Policy
0:36 Discussion & Possible Action: Community Center Name
0:54 Action: Treasurer's Report
1:17 Discussion: Animal Control Ordinance
1:27 Wastewater
1:31 Announcements
1:32 Town Manager's Report
1:45 Executive Session