The Georgia Selectboard meets at 7 p.m. on the second and fourth Monday of each month at the Georgia Municipal Offices, 47 Town Common Rd. North. Agendas and minutes are available at the town's website.  For more information, call the Town Administrator's Office at 524-9794.

Production Date: 
Wednesday, May 29, 2024
Approximate Length: 
Agenda Items: 
0:00 Call to Order
0:02 Changes to Agenda
0:13 Executive Session with Road Foreman - Before Board Business
0:15 Approval of Selectboard Minutes
0:21 Approval of Warrant # 16
0:37 Unfinished Business
0:37 Meet the New Treasurer, Open Paving Bids
0:39 Zoning - Open space and Road Agreement for Leo's Lane
0:44 Call in Definition - Action to clarify what a call in
0:45 Child Care Tax
0:50 Plowing GEMS Parking lot. - submitting a bid
0:54 Highway Grant - Action to approve and sign
0:59 Hazard Mitigation Grant - Action to move forward
1:09 Pacif Grant - Action to move forward
1:11 American Tower
1:13 Town Administrator - Ordinances
1:17 Town Administrator - Surveyor for beach
1:18 Town Administrator - Parade
1:19 Buildings
1:21 Budget and Finance
1:21 Personnel
1:22 Public Works/Grounds/Recreation
1:22 Plan Next Meeting - June 10, 2024
1:23 Adjourn