The Georgia Selectboard meets at 7 p.m. on the second and fourth Monday of each month at the Georgia Municipal Offices, 47 Town Common Rd. North. Agendas and minutes are available at the town's website.  For more information, call the Town Administrator's Office at 524-9794.

Production Date: 
Monday, June 10, 2024
Approximate Length: 
Agenda Items: 
0:00 Call to Order, Chair Update, Pledge of Allegiance
0:00 Additions, Deletions, or Changes to the Agenda
0:04 Selectboard Minutes of 5/29/2024, Warrant #17
0:19 Public Comment
0:20 Correspondence
0:20 Bovat Road
0:20 Sherwood Forest & Nottingham Dr for 3-acre Rule
0:22 Job Descriptions, Ethics Policy, Enforcement Policy for Ordinances
0:22 Purchasing Policy
0:36 Tyler Billingsley - Bridge 10 - Action to approve and sign
0:41 Paving Contract- FWW Paving will be providing paving services this year
0:43 Benches at the beach
0:45 Beach repair time frame
0:48 DRB Rules of Procedure and Conflict of Interest Policy
0:57 Junk Ordinance Violation Warning
1:08 Town Administrator Report
1:20 Treasurer Report
1:22 Other Business, Plan Next Meeting Agenda for 6/24/2024
1:24 Adjourn
Number of Plays: