The Georgia Selectboard meets at 7 p.m. on the second and fourth Monday of each month at the Georgia Municipal Offices, 47 Town Common Rd. North. Agendas and minutes are available at the town's website.  For more information, call the Town Administrator's Office at 524-9794.

Production Date: 
Monday, July 22, 2024
Approximate Length: 
Agenda Items: 
0:00 Call to Order, Pledge of Allegiance
0:01 Changes to Agenda
0:02 Approval of Selectboard Regular Meeting Minutes for 07.22.2024
0:08 Approval of Warrant # 22
0:16 Public Comment
0:32 Unfinished Business
0:33 Falls Gully - Revised document to sign
0:34 Grants in Aid - FY 25. Action signatures needed
0:41 Animal Control - Action to update policy
0:46 Tax Rate - Action to approve tax rate
0:55 Appropriations - Action to set a date of payment for all appropriations.
1:00 Junk Ordinance Officer - Action to appoint an Officer and complete paperwork Town Administrator Report
1:05 Approve Georgia Fire Department and EMS Application
1:08 Human Resources
1:16 Mill River Rd- Bridge #28
1:19 Pacif Grant
1:19 Emergency Call List
1:20 Culvert on Old Stage Rd
1:20 Hazard Mitigation Grant for Highbridge and Culvert
1:23 Buildings Report
1:28 Personnel Report
1:28 Public Works/Grounds/Recreation Report
1:25 Executive Session