The Georgia Selectboard meets at 7 p.m. on the second and fourth Monday of each month at the Georgia Municipal Offices, 47 Town Common Rd. North. Agendas and minutes are available at the town's website.  For more information, call the Town Administrator's Office at 524-9794.

Production Date: 
Monday, August 12, 2024
Approximate Length: 
Agenda Items: 
0:00 Call to Order, Pledge of Allegiance, Chair Update
0:01 Additions, Deletions, or Changes to the Agenda
0:02 Minutes of 7/22/2024, 7/30/2024, Warrants #23, #24
0:14 Public Comment
0:15 Correspondence
0:19 1% local tax
0:27 Personnel Policy
0:28 Ethics Policy
0:28 Bovat Rd
0:29 Sherwood Forest 3 Acre Rule
0:30 Town Electric Signs
0:31 Brick School House
0:33 Dan Albright- Action to approve- Hiring of Watershed Consulting Associates
0:39 Action to approve receipt of Construction Grant from Northern Lake Champlain Clean Water Service
0:30 Action to approve permit to operate a motor vehicle on Falls Road Trail
0:41 Fall Trail project agreement
0:44 School refund money - discussion on usage
0:48 Georgia Highbridge - Bridge #10
0:53 Pre- buy propane for Library
0:58 Winter Salt and Sand - discussion
1:01 Old Stage rd Culvert - possible purchase
1:10 Mill River/Highbridge update
1:16 Hazard Communications DRAFT Policy
1:22 Cemetery sign - Action to approve cost sharing with Fairfax
1:25 ERAF Payment
1:26 Audit
1:29 Sign request on Cline Road
1:32 Water Tanks
1:33 Vermont Anniversary
1:35 Town Administrator's Report
1:45 Treasurer Report
1:46 Buildings, Budget and Financial, Personnel
1:48 Public Works, Grounds / Recreation
1:50 Beach Survey, Dock Discussion
1:54 Executive Session Field Producer: Justin Croft