Grand Isle Selectboard usually meets the 1st and 3rd Mondays of the month at 6 p.m.. For more information contact Melissa Boutin at 802-372-8830 or 

Production Date: 
Monday, June 17, 2024
Approximate Length: 
Agenda Items: 
0:00 Call to Order, Board Members Present, Community Members Present, Amend Agenda for Matters Not Listed
0:01 Public Comment
0:02 Minutes of June 3, 2024
0:02 Roth Perry, Recreation Dept- Swimming Area Delineation & Park Ranger Position
0:11 Tyler Wren- Farm to Fork Bike Tour
0:17 Barclay Moris- NWRPC Update
0:39 Scott Perron- Excavator Discussion
0:56 Review and Sign Warrants
1:08 Buildings Facilities Manager Update
1:13 Gov Email Update
1:15 Open Meeting Law Requirements
1:25 July 1st Discussion
1:27 Sheriff's Contracts
1:31 Forest Fire Warden
1:32 Town Garage Generator
1:36 Audit Discussion
1:37 Opioid Settlement Money
1:37 Financials: CD Review
1:47 Administrative Check-In
1:48 Adjournment
Number of Plays: