LCATV’s Board of Directors will hold its regular meeting on Thursday, October 3, 2024, beginning at 6 pm via Zoom conference and in person at LCATV’s offices. The meeting is open to the public and conference coordinates are listed below. The agenda is:

1. Call to Order

2. Approve Agenda

3. Public / Board Member / Staff Comments

4. Meet with Prospective Board Member

5. Approve Minutes of 7/31/24

6. Executive Director's Report

7. Treasurer’s Report

8. Old Business

a. Use of LCATV Content

9. New Business

a. Fiscal Year 2025 Budget Planning

b. 30th Anniversary Celebration

10. Executive Session (if needed)

11. Adjournment


Join Zoom Meeting by Computer:

Meeting ID: 817 5394 8214

Passcode: E23B3f


Join Zoom Meeting by phone:


Meeting ID: 817 5394 8214

Passcode: 135052