The Milton School Board meets in the Milton High School Library at 17 Rebecca Lander Drive. Agendas and minutes are available at the Milton Town School District website For more information, call the District Office at 893-5302.

Production Date: 
Thursday, August 22, 2024
Approximate Length: 
Agenda Items: 
0:00 Call to Order, Agenda Review
0:02 Flag Salute
0:03 Approval of Warrant
0:04 Contracts
0:05 Approval of Minutes: - 8/8/24 Facilities Committee, 8/8/24 Regular, 8/13/24 Policy Committee
0:05 Approval of Bank Account Transfer
0:06 Reports to the Board
0:07 Tax Anticipation Note
0:08 School Messenger Issue
0:12 Herrick Facilities
0:46 Innovation Center Update
0:51 Materials for Activities Fair
0:56 Board Goals
1:29 Schedule of Presentations to the Board Policy First Reads
1:31 A40 Board Committees (MTSD Policy)
1:31 B32 Personnel Files (Consider)
1:33 C9 Nutrition and Wellness (Required)
1:35 Student Attendance
1:36 Community Comments
1:42 Action Items: Approval to sign SRO Contract; Authorize Superintendent to enter into a net metering contract with Norwich Technologies
1:43 Board Comments
1:50 Adjourn