Lifelines 0096

Program reviews recent events in Vermont that negatively impact the lives of the most innocent and vulnerable among us, pre-born babies in their mothers' wombs: UVM Medical Center Hospital greatly expands abortion services; H.57 and Proposition 5 passed by the state legislature permitting abortions right to the babies' birthdates; Planned Parenthood forfeits federal Title X funds, but Governor Phil Scott and the Legislature reimburse the organization $800,000 in our tax monies; UVM Medical Center accused by the federal government of unlawfully forcing nurses to participate in performing abortions. Pledge by Vermont Right to Life to "Bring Vermont Back to Life!". Lifelines is an educational, pro-life issue oriented program focusing on current events and topics.

Milton DRB 2019-09-12

The Milton Development Review Board meets on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month in the Community Room at the Municipal Office Building, 43 Bombardier Rd. Agendas and minutes are available at the Town's website. For more information, contact the planning and economic development office at 893-5400 or check out  our website.
