The Milton Select Board meets at 6:30 p.m. on the first and third Monday of each month in the Community Room at the Municipal Office Building, 43 Bombardier Road. Agendas and minutes are available at the town’s website. For more information, call the Town Manager's Office at 893-5400.

Production Date: 
Monday, May 6, 2024
Approximate Length: 
Agenda Items: 
0:00 Call to Order, Flag Salute, Agenda Review, Public Forum
0:03 Selectboard Meeting Minutes of 4/15/2024, Warrant #20
0:04 Resolution for 2024 Tax Sale
0:09 Northwest Fiberworx Alternate Appointment: Amy Crawford
0:13 Conservation Commission Reappointments: Laurie DiCesare and William Pikul
0:23 Entertainment Permit: Champlain Valley Horseshoe and Cornhole
0:36 Chittenden Solid Waste District (CSWD) FY25 Budget
0:54 2024 Bulletproof Vest Partnership Grant
0:57 Set Public Hearing Date for CIP/Impact Fees
1:03 Award Bid for Demolition of 214-216 US Route 7 South
1:07 Award Bid for Use of Town Green for Food Truck Vendor
1:11 Update from Town Manager and Board Members
1:34 Executive Session