Regular meeting of the Westford Selectboard

Production Date: 
Thursday, June 13, 2024
Approximate Length: 
Agenda Items: 
0:00 Call to Order, Roll Call, Changes to the Agenda
0:02 Public Comment
0:03 Minutes of May 9 & May 23
0:05 CCRPC Update (Ben Bornstein)
0:08 Highway Department: Road Schedule
0:23 Review FY'24 Highway Budget Status Report
0:29 ROW Work on Cambridge (Art Woolf)
0:32 Candidate Introduction: VT House of Representatives -Brenda Steady
0:37 -Julia Andrews
0:40 Review & update Stone Shore Municipal Consulting (Ron Rodjenski) contract
0:55 e911 Road naming and numbering on legal trails
1:23 Seymour Trail Kiosk Request
1:29 Solid Waste contract review
1:31 NEMRC Assessor Contract Renewal
1:34 Dog Warrant
1:38 Wastewater Update: 1705 Update
1:49 Selectboard's reserved time for discussion of agenda items
1:50 Treasurer: Review FY'24 General Fund budget status report
2:01 Correspondence
2:31 Communication: Report from attendance at Westford Rec Committee meeting
2:48 Shredding quotes
2:53 Open Meeting Law updates July 1, 2024
3:11 Executive Session
Number of Plays: