Regular meeting of the South Hero School Board

Production Date: 
Thursday, August 8, 2024
Approximate Length: 
Agenda Items: 
0:00 Call to Order, Introductions, Adjust the agenda
0:01 Citizens and/or Staff to be Heard
0:07 Approve the minutes of July 11th, 2024
0:07 Principal Report
0:14 Review of building use form and charges
0:28 Financial
0:32 Audit Report
0:52 Superintendent’s Report
0:57 Discussion on maintenance plan, parking lot paving
1:05 Updates from the Board Retreat held on 8/2
1:09 Approve Bills for Payment
1:10 Discussion of eliminating School Clerk position?
1:18 Review Board Activity calendar
1:22 Ways to link quickly into the Commission for the Future of Public Education in Vermont
1:28 Setting the next agenda
1:39 Adjourn