8/25/2015: When Jamie Perron of Jeffersonville was 19 years old, she was hit head on by another car and became a quadriplegic, paralyzed from the neck down. Now at age 33, Jamie is an artist and a co-captain of The Vermont Chargers Power Soccer Club. This summer Jamie learned to kayak with some help from Cathy Webster, her physical therapist from The Rehab Gym and a specially outfitted kayak provided by the Northeast Disabled Athletic Association. She has a list of activities like zip lining, downhill skiing and dogsledding that she plans to accomplish. And Jamie's crossing them off, one by one. Eva met up with Jamie, her parents Jari and Mike, and Cathy in South Hero for a kayak trip on Lake Champlain. Music: Francesca Blanchard, deux visions, "The Sea (Zach's Song)" & "Rame"

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