Lake Champlain Access Television is Community Media for the Towns of Colchester, Milton, Georgia, Fairfax, Westford, South Hero, Grand Isle and North Hero, VT. Read more here.
Milton School Board 2014-03-24
The Milton School Board meets at 6:00 p.m. on the second and fourth Monday of each month in the Elementary School District Training Room at 42 Herrick Avenue. Agendas and minutes are available at the Milton Town School District website. For more information, call the District Office at 893-3210.
Georgia Selectboard 2014-03-24
The Georgia Selectboard meets at 7 p.m. on the second and fourth Monday of each month at the Georgia Municipal Offices, 47 Town Common Rd. North. Agendas and minutes are available at the town's website. For more information, call the Town Administrator's Office at 524-9794.
Shadow Puppets Rocks
"Shadows Rock 2014". Shadow puppet theater with Puppetkabob artists Sarah Frechette & Jason Thibodeaux.
Milton DRB 2014-04-24
The Milton Development Review Board meets on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month in the Community Room at the Municipal Office Building, 43 Bombardier Rd. Agendas and minutes are available at the Town's website. For more information, contact the planning and economic development office at 893-1186 or check out our website.