Regular meeting of the Westford Selectboard

Production Date: 
Thursday, June 27, 2024
Approximate Length: 
Agenda Items: 
0:00 Call to Order
0:02 Changes to Agenda
0:08 June 13th Minutes
0:09 Review and approve Road Schedule
0:12 Review FY’24 highway budget status report
0:25 Wildfire review
0:29 Zoning challenges for emergency vehicles
0:42 Tanker truck contract review
1:07 Sullivan Powers & Co. Audit Contract
1:11 Set salaries
1:17 Tax rate
1:34 Consider designating Juneteenth (6/19) as a municipal holiday
1:57 1705 Update
1:59 Review FY’24 General Fund budget status report
2:20 General Ledger Transfer of Funds
2:21 Review and approve accounts payable and payroll warrants
2:24 Correspondence - Request for Town/Selectboard Support for Open Meeting Law Compliance
2:43 Communication
2:45 Adjourn