Regular meeting of the Westford Selectboard

Production Date: 
Thursday, July 11, 2024
Approximate Length: 
Agenda Items: 
0:00 Call to Order, Roll Call, Changes to the Agenda
0:02 Public Comment
0:06 Minutes of June 24, June 27 and July 3
0:09 CCRPC Update
0:24 Highway Department, Road Schedule, Budget Status
0:32 Farmers Market
0:47 Planning Commission Resignation
0:48 Livestock Ordinance update
1:07 1705 Update
1:08 Review access permit for private property
1:18 Selectboard's reserved time for discussion of agenda items
1:18 Treasurer: Review FY'24 General Fund Budget status report
1:30 Review and Approve accounts payable and payroll warrants
1:33 Correspondence
1:43 Communication
1:46 Adjourn