Regular meeting of the Westford Selectboard

Production Date: 
Thursday, October 10, 2024
Approximate Length: 
Agenda Items: 
0:00 Call to Order, Changes to the Agenda
0:05 Emergency Public Hearing: Interim Zoning Bylaw
0:15 Public Comment
0:15 Minutes of September 26 & October 3, 2024
0:21 CCRPC Annual Report
0:40 MERP Update
0:44 CCCUD
0:50 Highway Department: Review and Approve Road Schedule
0:54 Review FY'24 Highway Budget Status Report
0:59 1705 Update Public Information
1:43 Budget Workshops: Cemetery Commission
1:55 Westford Common Hall
2:07 Red Brick Meeting House Society
2:13 Conservation Commission
2:16 Recreation Committee
2:19 Land Donation Request & Trails Update
3:09 Wastewater Alternatives Committee Update
3:12 Private Road Name Request: John Roberts
3:14 NEMRC Payroll Contract Renewal
3:16 Treasurer Report
3:22 Correspondence
3:28 Executive Session
Number of Plays: